Sunday, May 27, 2012


Perhaps this will be the revival point of this dead blog. Hahaha. God knows. :) Anyways, have fun people. Will try to update this blog a.s.a.p. :)

Monday, October 23, 2006

I fell in love the moment i saw it....

I fell in love the moment I saw it, the girl who i thought as an angel from my sweetest dream. There I was, walking down the subway to my friend's house. It was about a quatre past three. There stood a beautiful young lady. I just walked past her and I could smell the sweetest scent of a girl's perfume. I closed my eyes and suddenly, I tripped over a rock. I was embarrassed and started running wishing that she did not notice it.

I reached my friend's house. Unaware, I had lost my phone. I was feeling very down. Maybe I should not had been day dreaming while walking. My friend consoled me and we began to do our school assignment. It was almost time for dinner. I promised my mom that I would be home by then, so I rushed home. On my way, I tried to search for my phone. Unfortunately, I had found nothing.

At home, I went for a bath and got ready for dinner. Mom called my name from downstairs. I went down and there was my whole family. We sat for dinner together. During dinner, mom told me that there was a girl that wanted to reach me through the phone. Monica was her name my mother said. She would try and call back after dinner. I helped my mom to was the plates and immediately went to my room.

I was puzzled by the thought of her. Who is this Monica?? How did she know my house phone number?? I waited anxiously in my room. Thinking that if it was the girl who i met earlier today. Shocking, how my thoughts of this girl could make me smile brightly even after losing my phone. It was nine. The phone rang. It was for me I said in my heart. My brother called me and shouted that the phone was for me. I picked up the phone and said 'Hi'. Heart melting, she spoke with such a lovely tone. She said that she wanted to see me the next day. We decided to drop by at Mac's Cafe at noon. We wished each other good night.

That night, it was rather difficult for me to sleep. She kept crossing in my mind. Who is she? Who is this Monica? For an hour I kept myself thinking. Finally, I fell asleep. The day had came. I was so excited and anxious while scared at the same time. Oh, such a big day I'm gonna get through, I said to myself. It was noon. The moment I had been waiting for. I was sweating eventhough it was cold, my heart couldn't rest and the thought of her kept crossing through my mind. Kept cool, I went to the cafe to meet the girl. Again, it felt like heaven, the girl I saw yesterday sat at a nearby table. The same exact girl. She was gorgeous. Just looking at her made me go nuts. I waited for Monica. I kept staring at the girl at the same time. Suddenly, she stood up and approached my table. I thought that she was going to whack me for staring at her. Instead, she sat down and gave me a warm smile. She offered me a hand shake. So, we shook hands and greeted each other sweetly. My heart was beating so fast like a battle drum going for war. She reach her pocket and took out a phone. It was the similar phone to mine. She said I had dropped it when i tripped yesterday. How embarrassed I was. We sat down and chatted for a few hours.

We went back home. I felt very happy. Maybe this is what people call 'love at the first sight'. We chattedn on the internet every single day. It had been a week since the first day I truely know her. She is such an interesting girl. I had came to a conclusion that I would ask her to be my first ever date. Sadly, I was turned down because she said she was not ready for relationships. My heart had thorn apart and it crushes like a glass dropped onto the floor. I guessed, easy come, easy go.

Few days later, I received a call. From her mother. She had die due to an incurable disease. I was very sad. Her mother said that, she really liked me and wanted to accept my propose, but it was too late. Onto hearing this, tears roll down my cheeked. What can I do? I'm just a weakling. I guessed past will remain to be the past. The thought of her smiling, chatting and even fixing her hair. Oh, such happy moments I had with her. My first ever... crush.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Last request...

A week ago, a plane crashed into the pacific ocean. There wasn't many people on the plane. But for those who were. Many didn't survive. The ocean current was strong. Fortunately for Yogi, he was safe to reach ashore on a small island. Two days of being unconcious, he was starving. He just walked and found some fruits on the ground near a tree. He took it and washed using the ocean's water, he ate the fruit. Day by day he became used to the place. He now wondered if there is anyone else on this island. Would anyone ever find him? He was hoping that theres a rescue team on the way or something but above it all, he just miss the family he had over in his house, the warm house that he stayed in. Mother and father must be so sad to hear that his plane had crashed. He was on that plane to go and study overseas and come back with a bright future. Everything seems to be so dark now. He wondered around the island, into the woods, he made a shelter for overnight. He seem so use to this kind of things as he was a boy scout once in secondary school. Everyday he would find fruits for the following days and he would try to build a small sail so that he could go somewhere that other people lives.

Four days had gone by, he walked around the woods, and accidently he reached the other side of the island. He walked along the beach and suddenly, he saw a body rest ashore. It was a girl. He looked at the girl's complexion. How pretty she was. What a poor thing to be living in an unknown island. He carried her to his shelter. Her body was cold. He put her near the fire. Soon she woke up. She asked, 'Where am I?'. He replied 'You must be the passenger of the plane that had crashed,' 'Hi, i'm Yogi, we are stranded here on an unhabited island.' They chatted and chatted about what had happened.

Hours gone by, it was night, Yogi had already done a shelter for the girl to rest in. She saw him as a very interesting guys with such innocent pair of eyes. Night falls. It was dark, Yogi set up the fire and he offered the girl some fruit. They both ate and soon they both went to sleep for the next day.

Next day, Yogi woke up early to find more food supply. He then went to continue building the sail hoping that the both of them could survive and go sailing to another island and hope to find other civilization. The girl woke up. She was finding for Yogi to wish him good morning. She couldn't find him, so she ate some fruits. Yogi came back with more fruits. They sat down and eat the fruits together. Yogi looked at her, she was really a beauty. He thanked God for not leaving him alone on the island. Yogi took the girl for a sight-seeing. He asked the girl, 'What's your name?' 'I'm Rene,' she replied. They went to a waterfall. It was very beautiful. Yogi took off his shirt and jumped into the water. The girl was shocked but he saw that Yogi is a very attractive man. She joined him in the water. Both of them swam in the water for quite awhile.

Rene was already tired. She went back to her shelter to rest up and dry her clothes while Yogi said he was going to do some work. He went and build the sail once again. He didn't want to tell the girl.

It was evening, when Yogi came back, Rene was fixing the shelter they rest in. She made it more comfortable then before. By then Yogi saw that she was a real woman. A woman that could live without rich and fame. He had now fallen in love with her. He went into the sea to catch some fish cos there ain't much fruit left from where he took them. Rene looked at him chasing the fishes. He was funny. When he caught a fish, he would jump with joy. What a cheerful man, she thought.

On that night, Rene cooked the fish Yogi had caught earlier that day. Seeing this, Yogi had really fallen in love with her. He told her, 'Hey, err.. well.. you look pretty from the day i saw you.' Rene was shy, she was blushing. He got on his knees and said softly, 'Would you be my wife??' She didn't quite hear him cause she was nervous. 'Sorry... What did you say just now?' she asked. 'Would you marry me? Well, we are the only two people on this island.. I mean..' he replied. Once again she blushed. She got down to him and put a finger on his lips. 'Shh.. Speak no more.. I'm in love with you too.. Yes, I would marry you.' she said. He was so happy, he kissed her for the first time and she replied his kiss. They frenched and make up. It was their first night. He took her to a higher ground to look at the stars and moon. What a nice view it was at that moment. They made love.

It had been a month since they had become a family. New shelter were build. The sail was all ready. Sadly, Yogi wasn't feeling well. He had a disease since he was small. He guessed that the disease had grown for all the years he been living. He told Rene, 'I couldn't live longer.. I wish i could.. To tell you, I had made a sail that could get us somewhere, with some food storage on it.'
Rene was sad. He continued 'It looks like i ain't going anywhere now, I just want you to live and be happy. Although i won't be there beside you, you should always remember i'll be watching you from afar.' Touching as it was, tears had came down the cheeks of them both. They hugged each other. Rene spoke 'No matter what happen, I'll always remember and love you.'

Yogi showed Rene the sail he made. It looked great. They both carried the sail to the beach so that it will be easier if they would want to set sail. They made love that night. It was an unusual night, rain had downpoured the island. They both went to sleep after that.

The next morning, Rene was trying to wake him up. But he couldn't open his eyes no more. Looks like the death angel had came earlier with the rain last night. She cried and cried but it was no use. She put him at the shelter where they built. Then, she pulled him to the waterfall cos he said.. 'If i die, please put me at the waterfall, I like it there..' She cried thinking of their memories together. But his last request to her is, 'Dear, I want you to be happy, I don't ever want to see you sad.. Life have to go on. Take care of yourself when i'm gone...' She grew stronger and she was ready to set sail.

Few days later, she reached onto a land, there was civilization there. She didn't feel good. She was all dizzy and feeling naucious. The people there helped her to the doctor. It was somewhere in the island of Malaysia they said. She was lucky cos they could speak english. They told her that, the doctor found out that she was pregnant. How shocked she was. She was very happy that she wouldn't be alone after all. Her carriage is already 3 weeks old. She lived her life and everytime she hold her stomach, she thought of Yogi. She decided to work and have a decent life. She wants to name her baby Yogi if it's a boy or Memory if it's a girl.

She lived a decent life. 2 years had passed. It was a boy, Yogi she named him. He took after his late father's complexion. She was very happy with him. They lived their life happily.

Somewhere else, Yogi was very happy to see them being happy. The thing that made him very happy was, she had lived up to his 'last request'.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Me and muh homies..

Me and homies. We fly with ladies till we touch the sky. Huha.. We high aint for a second, it's just the way we live our life..

From heart to heart.

A woman with 2 children had to work her days off for she had no husband. It's been 5 years now since he died. The mother, without knowing the feeling of tired, exhausted and sick, she took care of her 2 children with all her heart. Worked her days and nights, keeping this 2 children in good condition, educated and well behaved. They helped their mother in everyway. The elder child, her daughter was 15 years old. Everyday after school she would help her mother to take care of the stall. While the younger child, a boy aged 12 helped his mom to buy the groceries every morning so that they could open a stall every afternoon. By evening, they would all sit together in the kitchen and eat dinner together. Although their life wasn't as good as others, they didn't care because they got heart. 2 of her children studied really hard and finally they became succesfull.

Years had gone by. At the age of 19, her son had a heart disease. The doctor said they need to do a heart transplant in order to save her son. The mother volunteered to give a part of her heart to her son. All the operation bills were payed by the mother, through out her savings for years.
The operation was a success but the doctor said that the mother would not live for long. The 2 children took care of the mother

Both of the children had good career now. They had familes and became very busy. Soon, their mother was ignored. She was getting very sick. Their mother didn't want to trouble them so she left the house and went back to the old village where she belongs and took care of her 2 children once before. Their children didn't care. They just came to check on her every weekends. They would buy groceries for her every week.

The mother was living all alone in the house. Tears rolled down her cheek everytime she thought of her and her husband's memories. The time she had tooking care of her children through out the years. Sometimes she would sleep being accompanied with tears. Oh how she had cared for her children. And now, she was left alone in this old house. One day she was very sick. She called out for her 2 children. Nobody could listen to her cry. She was so upset. It's been 2 weeks since her children came and visit her.

She finally died. With the picture of the whole family in her arms. And the clothes of the 2 children by her side. A letter was left there.The 2 children read it.

Where had you all been? I'd been suffering for 2 weeks now and nobody come to help. I was very upset thinking bout the sacrifices that i made to take care of the both of you. But beneath it all, i'm happy to see both of you living a succesfull life. I'm glad that you don't have to go through what i did. All i wanted to have before I died is having my 2 child beside me to take care of me. For all the times that we had. I wished that i could stay longer. If mommy is no more in this world, mommy want both of you to know, that mommy had always love the both of you.

The 2 child broke down crying and hugging each other. How they had wasted their time working without caring about the one that took care of them when they were still immature till to what they are today. They couldn't forgive themselves for that. The only person that had been there for them, had now gone, without hearing to their mom's last word.

A story i made up in boredom...

Ben was an ordinary student in one of the school in the city. Usually he'll take a ride in the public bus to get to school every single day. Everyday he'll notice that there's this girl he always bumped into on the bus. The girl was about his age, also wearing the uniform of a school that is located near his school. Everytime he see this girl, his heart starting to beat as a battle drum that is going to war. All Ben could do is just look at this girl from a distance cos' Ben is kind of shy with girls.
One morning, the bus was full and there is only a sit beside Ben that haven't beenoccupied. In comes the girl, she was looking for a sit and Ben asked the girl whethershe would like to sit beside him. Ben tried to talk to her during the journey but everytime he tried to open his mouth, his tongue frost and he couldn't say a word. Finally, when the girl was about to go off the bus, he asked for her name. "Hi, my name is Ben, may i know what's yours?" said Ben. "Elise" the girl replied.
Ben was very happy. It was as if his heart had flied sky high. He couldn't stop thinking about the name and how sweet her voice was. He decided to talk to her again the next day.
The next day, Ben went and talk to her again. This time he got her number. He decided toeven skip school and stalk her to know where she studies at. So, he followed her off the bus without her knowing. He finally knows where she study at, her number and almost all about the girl. It was long ago, when the first time he met her. He thought that he had fallen in love with her. The 'Angel' of his sweetest dream.
They had been sitting together in the bus for a week. That morning, he noticed that she was not going to school. He got worried that something might had happen to her. He just kept it cool cos' it had only been a day.

It had been three days since he last saw her. He wanted to call her all week. Her cell was turned off everytime he called. He was so worried, he made up a decision to go to her school and ask her friends.They said that this girl was sick and had to stay in the hospital. He went to see her. He brought a bouquet of roses and some sweets along.
She was shocked to see him there.He gave her the roses and she was delighted to have them.They chatted and chatted. Everyday he would come to visit her in the hospital. And eachday he'll bring a bouquet of roses along. She had fallen in love with him but only words got in between their way.
One day he bought an expensive rose. He had to go through some dark and lonely areas to get that rose.He had written a card and letter for her.
(At the hospital)

She was waiting for him to visit her. He was late than usual. She got worried and triedto call him. His phone was turned off and she could not reach her. She was very worried.It was late at night and he didn't turn up.
The next day.She read the newspaper and saw that there was a crime scene near the hospital.It was a dark and lonely alley.She heard the patients talking.The guy was dead.They found a plastic rose, a card and a letter.She looked back to the newspaper.The letter was written there.

You must had been wondering why i gave you this plastic rose instead of the bouquet ofroses i usually brought you. I just wanted to say that this rose represent something.Usually roses die and plastic roses doesn't. That's why i bought this plastic rose for you.My love for you would not die as long as this rose doesn't. I had always wanted to tell you that i love you but i didn't get the chance to and we just knew each other. The truthis i've been watching you from afar and had fallen in love with you on the first timemy eyes caught your image. I love you and hope that you keep this rose.

Her tears rolled down her eyes. The guy that she loved had died just because he wanted to pay a visit to her everyday.

Friday, September 29, 2006

The Beginning

Starting of my new blog..
30th of September..
Life had never been worst.. i'm kinda down but i dunno wat to do..
Very well.. This blog will be where i'll write everything down..
Stay Tune~